


November , can u be nice to me  ? Please ? 

but dont worry , I will keep myself alive until all of u get marry , and beranak ! hahaha

11月 :
羊羊突然搞失踪,几天都找不到她 ,后来才说她在上海...
( read your blog dy...so happy kid u...but seriously all of us so so so miss you ... )

看回以前和你们出去的照片,尤其是在 I-City拍的,我笑惨了...
( 611 , 你几时才肯滚回来?我不要你去那么远读书啦 ... T^T )
31/10/2012 : Halloween , Beer Factory Sunway Giza

和Hui Lee小姐吃晚餐,然后直接去 Beer Factory ...
While waiting for Rebecca and Yun...

 Hantu OL of that day ...hahaha 
with the Hantu dance step...make me n Yun LOL seriously...

Yun & Hui Lee , Heart them <3

This guy very geng in dancing !

My babe wife , forever...love you...

We left Beer Factory quite earlier that day ... but cant remember what happened after that :p
Next Year we should make up to Halloween event >)


Second day morning , dated Ah Yun be her hair model...morning call by Yun at 11am ...headache 99... Yun &  husband fetching me at 2pm...

been long time dint be her model , still the same...SHE ARE STILL DAMN RUDE TO THE MODEL ! ='( pity me ...

After class , head back to her house ...wait Hui Lee finish meeting...
play with baby girl Cherry 
She is so so so cute ...and very playful ... her smile melted my heart...
keep made her laugh , hahaha...

my kai lui : Cherry 静温

8pm ,  D' Fortune for dinner with Hui Lee, Yun's family
( Hui Lee's mood very boh good nowadays due to her job ... wait all of us free dy..we go teman her minum okay ? =) )

back home , use almost 2 hours to wash my hair and do treatment... 

6/11/2012 Tuesday : Sukiya , Paradigm Mall

Gathering with college's friends...
date by Feelix , but the cat ffk me at last minute ! 
Gabriel fetch me at 6.30pm ... funny... all the way bully him and non stop zat him until balik...
Su Wei , Vincent , Elaine reach earlier...meet up at Sukiya...
Then PC with his Gf , King came...
Beside makan...they talks bout college things, and all the idk things....i feel left out actually -_-
9.30pm 各自飞...PC Ho fetch me back...
Midnight ...get someone msg... quite shock about what she ask me actually -_-

Chat with Pei Kwan nowadays...a very sampat girl...

我可以劈炮不干吗?? T^T

哎~今年圣诞节,还有跨年...约了Hui Lee , 两个 Miss Dry...哈哈哈

