
181112 Chooi Yee's Wedding ...

17/11/2012 : Pre Wedding Buffet Dinner

Cant remember what i did in the morning ... =——= ?? alamak
I just remember help Doii Doii bath and 扮美美...( cant manage to take his picture... too active , running around saja...)

After gao dim Doii Doii...wait my turn to bath and do hair treatment in my room ....
cousin bro reach and help my mom decorate the gate ... chit chat with my cousin bro non stop...

around 6.30pm , sister starting to lead the family members do things...me , dad, cousin bro start to arrange all the tables and chairs ... The food cames at 7.30pm..so late... then the relatives came...

been busy walking in and out the all night, chit chat with the guest... help my sis to keep the ang pau...bring the kids and aunty to my room play with Doii Doii... 
quite epic question asked by daddy's few friends ...
3 of them : 所以...你正常了吗?
me : 还没有...
them : then enjoy it !
阿才哥哥 : 只要你开心就好,别理他们的 =)

Dinner end around 1am++ , help mummy 摆阵 for sembahyang and the bride 梳头仪式...then watch paranormal activity 3 with the cousins... gao dim everything at 2am+++ , sleep at 3 / 4am ++ ...and have to get up at 5.30am...tired siao...cant sleep well somemore...i don know what i gan jiong for...

18/11/2012 : The Actual Day ... Wedding Day

5.30am wake up ... makan with cousin bro and grandma while waiting our turn to bath..

Tada !! the bridemaid ...

Chooi Ling & Chooi Jia

Sheyn Er & Chooi Chooi

Chooi Chooi , Mummy , Chooi Jia

Rush rush...go take the kuih-muih , and buy some food back for the kids...
My house full of pretty pretty stewardess !! woohooo !!!
The ji mui busy set up the games thingy ... ( think back when Ah Yun's wedding =) )
The bridegroom and the brothers reach at 8.30am ++ , and my sis start gan jiong...

Game Start !!

first game : the brothers been blindfolded and have to listen to the instruction of bridegroom to pass all the line... 

Second game : finish up all the blended 苦瓜, chili , and alot zap zap things...the smell very...eeww =_=

Third game : The brothers have to 把丝袜戴在头,then tide everyone together and pull out together , and have to find out the hidden things the jimui keep around the place ...got time limit

The 4th game :  They have to find out the few keys in the pail with ice and damn cold water plus alot of coin inside...

and the last game ...the bride 指定 the bridegroom to sing a song for the bride ...
the bridegroom just cincai sing 1 short sentences : 月亮代表我的心...
(heard from my cousin sis that in the room with the bride said the bride keep scold 他妈的,才那么一句??)
then the ji mui ask the groom : 你老婆最喜欢吃什么水果?
the bridegroom say : ciku !! ...( but the answer is papaya )

when the jimui open the door for the bridegroom...
the bride stare at him and say : 我几时说过我喜欢吃ciku的?
bridegroom : 酱你平时又一直吵说要吃ciku吗
bride : 我吵要吃不代表我喜欢吃啊...
bridegroom :  ............

the fierce wife....aduih~~

after sembahyang and lim teh time... photo-shooting time with the family , relatives and heng dai ji mui...

when deciding to sit whose car to the bridegroom house...heard my aunty and my brother's conversation make me LOL ...
小姑 : 哎哟,快点去看谁的车有位先...
哥哥 : 你也要跟啊?哪里有人要载你啦...
小姑 : 做么没有人要载我,你现在说我很老啦?
哥哥 : 哎呀,我车还有位啦,随便啦..载你一起去啦~
小姑: 我不要,我现在吊价,我要坐跑车...
哥哥: 哈哈哈哈!你嘛去敲看那几辆跑车看有没有人要开门给你
小姑 turn to 二姑 : 我应该还会有人开门给我,你就惨了,因为你已经过60了,我才50多...哈哈哈...

my 小姑damn cute ...

at 男家, i thought can rest dy...mana tau...have to stand at the bride side help her 散风...还要帮她拉裙尾,走进走出拜神...tired siao...carrying the ang pau and goldsmiths bags somemore...walao weh...

gao dim everything around 1.30pm... rush back home ...
take turns bath again... 3pm head to Sime Darby Convention Centre ...

On the way : 
with my dearest cousin bro ... lots of ppl tot he is my bf...

start make up n hair do around 3.30pm ...

this is how i look that night xD
looks so chubby ....my god...

im in-charge of the guest and the seat , so 5.30pm start arranging all the guest list and seating thingy...


waiting the guest to reach...

ballroom door will only open at 7.30pm , 6.30pm start will have cocktail and the fruit tarts to makan...


Thanks to my sister best friend : Jenny 
she really do help alot ...printing out the schedule, the things i have to bring / do ...incharge the emcee rehearsal ...and more...
funny her when she come in to the bride room happily and so excited asking where is the bride and calling my sis name ,walk around finding my sis while my sis just stand infront of her... 
my sis : 我现在没有化妆很难认得出咩???


6.30pm ... quite many guest came dy...
receptionist : Me , Yee Wah , Alvie , Cjia
were so busy finding the guest name n seat number...
alot of them last minute tell us that they bring bf / gf come...so i have to rearrange the seat for them ...arghhhh...tak bagi tau earlier...make me so bek chek but still have to smile with them and say nvm , i help u arrange =) damn !

The bride : Chanel Ho 
The first bride i ever seen that so busy holding the guest name list walking here and there to guide ppl to do this and that...

Dint eat much things , caz have to serve the guest around...
baru duduk nak makan then get order from the bride asking me to tell the uncle aunty ready to go up to the stage for 敬酒...walk around again...
The aunty uncle keep asking the same question : 你姐嫁了啦,几时到你啊~~~
没那么快好吗=_= 我才20叻

Picha time ! xD

Cousin sis and Daddy's friends 

the cousins ...

Ho Chooi Ling & Yap Chooi Ling ( daddy's friend )

Know her since we are still kid... ( daddy's friend daughter)

小姑and Pei Wen

Cjia,五伯母,六伯母and Mummy...

My Pretty Young 阿嫂

Daddy , but why la close eyes =_=
Mummy , Pei Wen And CJia

Chooi Chooi & CJia

The bride keep asking ppl to drink...
so still got alot ppl in the ballroom to minum with her...
my dad keep say : aiyo , the Chooi Yee ar,一直叫人家喝酒,都不知道亲家会不会不知道娶这个媳妇是好事还是坏事...幸亏今天我有控制不要喝太多酒...
Me : 可是那个红酒很好喝hor 爸...
Dad : 你又知道?
Me : 我喝了4杯嘛...很好喝叻...
Dad : 你几时学会喝酒的???哎哟,我这次真的晕啊,做么我家女儿全部都喝酒的,你不要和你姐姐一样蛤...

so we reach home around 12am ++ ...all of us so tired , everyone of us rest at living room...chit chatting...
my dad keep say : 3粒panadol ,送走了一粒,还有两粒...

感想就是 : 如果改次真的结婚叻,去旅行度蜜月就好!我不要那么累!


For once , I seriously want to talk to you again ,just like the old times 

