
Appreciate ...Thank you ...

What The Fuck ?!

I lost my voice in exchanging something with Ursula dy ...maybe ? 
Aduih , please come back to me ~~ I need you badly...

Have a nice chat with babe gal Mei Ling last night...
Babe , cheer up ... you will be independent one day... just take your times =)
I know how you feel , its hurt that you OVER CARE a person , and they just treat it as annoying...

哈哈,威风了我...本小姐有着 :

很保护我的家人 - 虽然你们一直希望我能出去闯,但也感受到你们很担心我在外面被欺负,受不起气...

一群那么关心我的朋友- 谢谢你们一直的陪伴...和愿意当我的耳朵 =)

很疼我的表堂姐- 骂醒我,提醒我,给很多很多的意见


何崔宁非常的知足 =)感谢老天...


Addicted to this song ... Hall Of Fame by The Script & William
This song reminds me of Ms Boey ... 每个人都是冠军...=)

Yeah, You could be the greatest
You can be the best
You can be the king kong banging on your chest

You could beat the world
You could beat the war
You could talk to God, go banging on his door

You can throw your hands up
You can be the clock
You can move a mountain
You can break rocks
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You could go the distance
You could run the mile
You could walk straight through hell with a smile

You could be the hero
You could get the gold
Breaking all the records that thought never could be broke

Do it for your people
Do it for your pride
Never gonna know if you never even try

Do it for your counrty
Do it for you name
Cause there's gonna be a day

When your, standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be a champion, Be a champion, Be a champion, Be a champion
On the walls of the hall of fame



