
11/11/2012 Single Day ...

Hair treatment middle of the night... again 
ReDye my hair lots of times in two days...
hair spoil 9 9...god damn it...


11/11/2012 - The Single Day 

帮姐姐摆嫁妆,很懒惰爬起身 ...
怎知...让我等到2.30pm / 3pm 才来载我...
本来约好 Hui Lee 去E- Learning 的展览...最后泡汤了...

6pm , meet Hui Lee at SS2 Starbuck... 久违了我爱的 Java Chips , 多久没喝了...
after that went to makan and chit chat at ss2 mamak ...
Damn surprise when Hui Lee told me bout babe gal Mei Yun and YiYi decide yam cha at Beer Factory...wow..."guai lou cha" wa~~~
after makan , head to Beer Factory ,Sunway Giza... ( Rebecca said : our second home )

Me n Hui Lee reach first...Rebecca , then Myun and Yiyi...
first time drink with this 2 babe ...funny...
celebrate our Single Day at there ...
Total up : 7 bottles of Kilkenny ,1 bottle Guiness ,5 bottles of Hoegarden ........and Honey Lemon Tea

Weeeeee !! Happy night ...love it...
lets do it again next time and dont let Yiyi drive !!!
PEACE... <3

