
Appreciate ...Thank you ...

What The Fuck ?!

I lost my voice in exchanging something with Ursula dy ...maybe ? 
Aduih , please come back to me ~~ I need you badly...

Have a nice chat with babe gal Mei Ling last night...
Babe , cheer up ... you will be independent one day... just take your times =)
I know how you feel , its hurt that you OVER CARE a person , and they just treat it as annoying...

哈哈,威风了我...本小姐有着 :

很保护我的家人 - 虽然你们一直希望我能出去闯,但也感受到你们很担心我在外面被欺负,受不起气...

一群那么关心我的朋友- 谢谢你们一直的陪伴...和愿意当我的耳朵 =)

很疼我的表堂姐- 骂醒我,提醒我,给很多很多的意见


何崔宁非常的知足 =)感谢老天...


Addicted to this song ... Hall Of Fame by The Script & William
This song reminds me of Ms Boey ... 每个人都是冠军...=)

Yeah, You could be the greatest
You can be the best
You can be the king kong banging on your chest

You could beat the world
You could beat the war
You could talk to God, go banging on his door

You can throw your hands up
You can be the clock
You can move a mountain
You can break rocks
You can be a master
Don't wait for luck
Dedicate yourself and you can find yourself

Standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

You could go the distance
You could run the mile
You could walk straight through hell with a smile

You could be the hero
You could get the gold
Breaking all the records that thought never could be broke

Do it for your people
Do it for your pride
Never gonna know if you never even try

Do it for your counrty
Do it for you name
Cause there's gonna be a day

When your, standing in the hall of fame
And the world's gonna know your name
Cause you burn with the brightest flame
And the world's gonna know your name
And you'll be on the walls of the hall of fame

Be a champion, Be a champion, Be a champion, Be a champion
On the walls of the hall of fame





Doctor : No Minyak minyak food , no chocolate , no coffee , no this no that...minum water banyak banyak ya~ 


每天睡醒都必须...halo? test test...hellooooo...来试试声音...
接到电话,halo ? 之后的话就讲不出了...所以非常的对不起被我盖电话的人...包括我妈...



朋友们啊...不管遇到什么读书的烦恼或压力啦,爱情啦,家人的问题,钱啦,工作不顺啦...别担心! Chooi Chooi 在大厅,非常愿意也非常的乐意给你们个大大的拥抱 =)


  • 2012年10月8日星期一



    I love this kind of Life ...

    5/10/2012 Friday  : Karmun's 21st Pool Party Birthday !

    Some unhappy and quite funny things happened on the afternoon...whatever ~~
    ( wish that what u had said is just pretend and is acting ...is hard to have a friendship that we can talk anything to each others for so many years  )

    The gals picking me up at 5pm ++ , thanks to Ms Amily ~ 
    heading to the party place at somewhere near The Curve ..
    Party start at 7pm ... ask the guard which floor is the pool party ...funny things happened ...

    Guard : !@%#!@&#!_*#!@*#!)@(*#)@(..... ( teaching us how to go up to the pool )
    after that...
    yiyi : 诶...带路,我没有听到他说什么...
    Me : 我只是听到bumbung bumbung...
    Myun : 我只是乱跟他恩恩恩而已...

    Called Kar Yee to comfirm the place...but then we still found it ourselves...wahahaha


    Picha time x) 

    Birthday girl ( Left 2 )


    回到家,12点多...和大波聊天(Bikini 婚礼 ...笑惨我们)


    6/10/2012 : 悲惨...


    大波波小姐,虽然还不是很了解你其他的事情,其实听你说了你的心事后我也不知道该怎样安慰你,又怕给错意见,但是如果你真的需要一个人来听你诉苦,放心wor...我很愿意当你的听众的 ~~ =)  my dear ...smile , dont always emo okay?

    因为经痛的关系,就跑去睡觉,一睡就睡到9点多晚上...起来,和大波聊天...过后就去准备出巴刹做工...在巴刹的时间真他妈的难熬...肚子又不舒服,还不知道发什么神经一直差点叫顾客亲爱的...还中了老爸的老千,说6点回来载我回家...怎知道等到8点多都不见人影...还亏我去串 Kelvin,干爹他们说我今天一定比他们早回...一个个回的时候还笑我 T^T


    7/10/2012   继续~~~

    下午12点多睡到5点多...被姐姐的声音吵醒 : 快点,全部快点去冲凉,去准备,快点换衣服,我们要去试吃了,快点,不要迟到....吵到一个点...


    Today's Outfit 
    是不是很隆重叻~~因为妹妹穿了短裤tshirt ,被姐姐骂说 : 你以为我们去麻麻档喝茶啊??





    edited by my aunty ... tagged me in facebook...AUNTY YOU ARE SO IN !!!


    我不是巨蟹座,我是螃蟹座...哈哈哈...真不喜欢乖乖呆在家...我都比较喜欢往外跑...所以,我很期待明年的到来 =)


    Come on baby...重新调整新生活方式吧... 


    Hey October ! =)

    “Wake me up when September end "...

    well , September ended...it is time to wake up
    Welcome October , please be nice to me =)


    29/9/2012 : 

    Wake up at 12pm ...tot of going to “ Kutu Market " at Jaya One with the gals , but fail plan ...
    Ms Hui Lee have to rush her report at 611's house , me have to help mummy to clean the house...
    Have dinner together with  611 and Hui Lee at 7pm ++  ( 大头 Steamboat ) ... 
    back to hui lee house at 9pm ++ , get ready to party at Vertigo 
    Mr Gentleman Alex ( Hui Lee's friend or may i say future bf ?! heheheee) fetch us at 10.40pm ... 
    tat guy ...not bad looking , tall , smart , good attitude ...what are u waiting for Ms Siew ??

    Saturday night ,alcoholic night 
    a little bit of boring caz two of us are just chit chating with each other at there...
    after knowing others Alex's friend , know a pretty + cute girl Xin Hui and another talkative girl name DeeDee ( not so sure bout the name) ... we move to the dance floor...wooohoooo !
    Music non stop playing , party people dancing , even get high with others table's  HOT CHICK ...
    but party end up with some unfortunately things...

    Picture of the night :

     oh ya ! and there's 1 ang mo come to me n Hui Lee when we resting at a side ,telling us tat today is his friend birthday and his friend like us both , lets say Hi to him...then the birthday boy quite shy and shake hand with us... HAHAHAHA...


    very * PEH * face -_- removing make up until half...
    seriously look like hantu... x.x



    actually not much different right ?


    30/9/2012 :

    Mooncake Festival 

    Not much things happened on this day ... wake up quite early ... caz stomach damn not well...
    Sunday ... Music + piano accompany me for the half day...then sleep at 5pm ++ ...
    wake up makan , then play tanglung and candles with family  + 3 dogs... hahaha

     the tanglung is specially  for baby Sheyn Er ...



    Photo: Same company de jiu shi zhe yang de lo~ dont envy pls :B  

      Baby boy <3

     Lucky 把 Doii Doii 给吓倒了-3-

    The happy night celebrating mooncake festival with family ...love this feel =)


    YiYi , Enjoy your Bali trip ya...take good care and have a safe and fun fun trip with ur friends ... throw all your stress there...bring back new happy mood k ? =)

    Myun , hey ...know nowadays that u emo right ? sorry for not asking u , caz i scare that will make u more emo ...and i know that u will say you're okay , nothings happen...but babe girl , please remember that im always here for you to talk to ... i will be your very good listener =) cheer cheer girl ^^

    Mei Ling , good good luck and all the best in your Advanced journey with ur Yew Zai , u will get to it very soon ...dont worry bout u cant do it , caz my Mei Ling looks stupid , but she s a girl who very very smart actually ... support u 99 !! stress ? cari me la..we go do gym !!  HAHAHAHA

    to the others babe girl who emo , unhappy ...cheer up and continue to move on ! times will not stop for you to emo... smile *

    to the babe gals who waiting for the real man...HAHAHA , GOOD LUCK ~~~ u know who la har... ngek ngek

    Love you all ...muakz ! 

    Okay , let me express what i feel in this few days ...

    Firstly , seriously thanks to this GIRL , thank you for your contribution , without you , i have no others stupid people to laugh at  ...TQVM... hahahaha...

    Second , to my friends who saw that kind of picture and the caption of the picture ,asking me what had happen ...  im fine ...very very fine... i admit that i feel abit zadao , and been cheated for the first day (27/9) but after received the msg at facebook from someone EX...i laugh, seriously LOL...
    so people , dont worry bout me, im still very guai lan , still the happy go lucky me x) 
     i will not spending any single time on this kind of ppl , i will not make myself angry , sad , emo or whatever because of them ...i will not let them drag me down to their level ...

    Hey pity girl , although you cant read this , but your behaviour makes me wanna slap ur cosmetic into your mouth and let you eat it ...you need a make up in your brain , and ur inside ...
    I think that you will be regret doing this kind of stupid things when u remind back in future...SO , PLEASE LEARN TO MANAGE YOUR STUPIDITY....

    Lastly ,