
My Big Big Birthday's Surprise

Well well ~ Din't update my blog for a month... because I'm soooooo lazy and I had no idea what I want to write ...  =P

Okay , so you gals planned this surprise since last month right ? 
Ms Rebecca Choo (主谋), Ms Yiyi , Ms Amily and Ms CJ ( SPY ) ...somemore got watsapp group named Top Secret wa ~~

21/6/2014 :

Dated my babes for my birthday's dinner at Uncle Jang Mont Kiara and Cafe Bene for desserts ... =D yum yum ...and 原来你们那天都只是在逢场作戏的 =3=

23/6/2014 :



5am , heard some voices outside my room and Amily came in my room with a cake (蜡烛还没点) and say : halo, 起床咯,生日快乐…Yiyi 快点点蜡烛快点点蜡烛!( * 加速版生日歌* ) 呐,你的cake ~
Then Yiyi and Rebecca Choo ask me faster wake up and pack 4D3N de baju , bikini, passport …I super blur that time and like… 发梦吧?好想继续睡觉
小姐们帮忙我收拾行李,妹妹一直在房外偷笑,去梳洗时妈咪告诉我:“其实我忍了很久,我们全部都知道这惊喜,我其实很多次想告诉你了,可是不能 辛苦你啦~~)

冲冲忙忙的出了门去机场,路途中她们一直告诉我坐飞机去Langkawi 又坐飞机去PD…所以我都不知道自己要被带去哪里,又想睡觉,又很好奇,那心情真的难以解释…
唉~都怪自己上一年出的绑架的 Idea ,现在自己中招了…

KLIA 2 ,吃McD当早餐 一个个就开始轮流穿帮! 哈哈哈
什么驾车变驾飞机 啦,什么给爸爸我的号码,什么不知道我们在哪里在做么啦

hahahahaha ! sorrehh ~ 我电话只有这张你们两一起拍的照片啦~
To Yiyi and Amily ,

Although both of u cant make it for the trip , Still wanna say big big thank you to both of u ! Super Big Bear Hug for 2 of u ! and muakz muakz muakz !
And thanks for keeping this secret for Rebecca Choo , being her spy for every single time when she wanted to surprise me ...
苹果你们 ! 辛苦嗮啦!


So Me n Dear went to Phuket for a 4 days 3 nights trip ( finally know where am I going when in boarding )
Upon arriving at the Phuket airport after 1 hour 20mins flight , we got a cab from the counter outside the airport. It costs us 800 baht for a cab to Patong . Our taxi driver is so friendly  , after he ask us about our itinerary in Phuket, he drove us to a travel agency ...then a lady  started introducing travel and activities packages to us ( obviously the driver had some connections with this travel agency ...hmmm) ..end up we decided to take a 1800 baht /person package to Viking Cave, Maya Beach, Monkey Island, Phi Phi Don Island, Phi Phi Lae  Island and Khai Island (lunch buffet and shuttle transfer are included as well )

The ride to Patong was about an hour and we're too early for the hotel check-in.  So , we decided to sleep ! hahaha ! According to Rebecca  Choo,  it’s only 200m walk to the beach and our hotel surrouded by Jungceylon shopping mall , Bangla street and lots of disco and pub ...

For the first day, we spent most of the time exploring the streets in Patong and had late dinner at a chinese restaurant with super yummy tomyam ...along the street u will be jio by the ambassadors of the pub / disco to watch the Tiger show , lady boy show , ping pong show (idk wat is this) , lesbian show and bla bla bla.. 

Second day , we have to wake up early in the morning around 6am , the travel agency will pick us up at 7.45am, we had to prepare earlier so that we could have time to take breakfast in the hotel .

~ 45 mins later ~

we arrived at the pier . Some beverage and sea sick pills were provided . Besides that , they sell breads and some water proof accessories for your phone .

The journey to the Island took an hour by speedboat,  sooooooo torturing caz the whole journey was super extreme bumpy ! and u will feel sleepy on the boat . 

(well, because of monsoon season , Maya Bay have to canceled because the waves over there is too big and too dangerous to go there .. sad case.. )

tada... the first island for us to jump into the sea from the boat ! this place not for snorkeling only swimming ...

Departed to Monkey beach and Viking Cave but too bad, wrong timing .. 海水涨潮 and the last monkey on the beach ran away when we reach there .. Buuuu !! 

feed the fishie with bread ( but we ate most of the bread caz we're hungry and the bread is yummy hahaha)

Then to some tourists spot which I cant remember is Khai Island or whatever name already to had our lunch ..then lastly to the Phi Phi Don beach . Dinner at the same restaurant caz the tomyam is too yummy 😋 hahaha

The first time ever !! 
被鬼压 !! 准准 4点 ... sucks feel , can't move, can't talk .. 虽然只是一两分钟的过程, 可是已经让我飙汗了..立刻叫那只猪去开完所有的灯... not really dare to sleep after that but .. I'm so tired 😧 So , I put all the pillow surrounding me and bear hug dear dear to sleep... 

Third day  ...
Shop along the bangla road and finally bought something ! ( Minion pyjamas for Shyen Er ) 

Breakfast in Jungceylon shopping mall , Mk Restaurant ... not expensive , and.. taste not so nice pun..

After discussing where to go , we decided to go Phuket Zoo and Tiger Kingdom ( If u don't like animals , there's others more activities like  bungy jump , horse riding , go kart , xtreme adventure etc ) .We bargain with the tut tut driver , 2 places for 1200 baht .

 Journey to Phuket Zoo took around 30 mins ..The entrance fee was 500 Baht, the zoo was quite empty during our visit , not much visitors so its make us feel very creepy and scary ... and most of the gates are WIDE OPEN !! There are big animals like the tiger ( only 1 tiger I saw in the zoo ) , Elephants , camels , deer that look like goat , crocs ..alot alot of crocs .. birds , some mammals and a aquarium with a super scary big crocs or dragon's mouth entrance ... ( we been scared by a cat and the daun pokok kelapa drop down in front of us )

( seriously I dont like this place , caz the animals here are skinny and so kelian ..they live in a TINY cage like staying in a prison , the elephant been locked up, chained all day with only a step to move around... AND !! the animals there look so starving 它们一边叫一边看着你就好像在和你讨吃的, 看了真的很心痛 😢) 

There are 3 shows :

 Elephant  show - Elephant dancing,  elephant play ball , elephant walk over people , elephant drawing ... 

Monkey show -  Only 2 monkeys -.-* , Monkey pose with umbrella , ride bike , monkey play basketball , Monkey do maths 

and Crocodile show  - the guy put his head in the crocs mouth , kiss the crocs , lye down on the crocs back.. end

You'd need to spend couple of hours to see it all ... 

Next Station ... my Favorite place : Tiger Kingdom !! My Kitty Miao kingdom !!

The entry fees are categorized into the size of the Tiger - very small 1000 Bahts per person per entry, small 900 Bahts, medium and big with 800 Bahts. We took the Big size kitty miao , Expensive, but close contact with the tigers motivated me to pay for the tickets hahahahaha !! The place offered u to experience petting, touching, grabbing the tail of tigers. Well...the tigers are so tame  ..we were limited to stay inside the cage for only for 10 mins ...not enough for me la !! I don1 to leave T.T wanna cuddle with them !

When going in to the cage , we have to read the rules for not touching the sensitive place of the tigers , and bla bla bla...  most of the big tigers were sleeping, and the keeper will teach u how to touch and sleep on the tigers.. 

Then, we went to the very small tiger enclosure, and enjoyed our time watching smallest tigers playing (watching was free of charge .. ngek ngek ngek).

I'll be back to this place again !!

Move on ~~
The tut tut driver waited us for the whole trip for almost 3 to 4 hours ... so we decided to give him extra 100 baht for tips .. hehe

We went back to hotel for body massage ( 300 baht for 1 hours ) ... 本小姐第一次被按摩,我不清楚是不是应该这样,但是感觉上咱们两好像被人家拿来练武功似的...因为没有crack* 声, 她越按越大力..这里扯那里拉...搞得本小姐整身更痛..

冲凉休息后, 我们就准备最后的冲刺 !! 扫获 !!
到 Big C extra 买我的Lays !!

Super Early flight the next day morning ... so we booked a taxi for sending us to the airport for 700 baht ... 
Can't sleep well , end up just slept for 1 hour plus ... waking up at 4am ... pack luggage ... ready to ciao...T.T We don1 to go home !

Reached airport at 5.30am .. checked in and we still have to wait until 8am to boarding ... wth ... super cold in the airport ... we are freezing and shaking !! cant find any shop for jacket in the airport ... even the scarf they wanna to sell for 1200 baht ! no good !!

yup.. so this is my surprise trip from the dearest !! 

知道你一定会搞惊喜可是真的没有想到会是这样的惊喜..其实真的很开心..别一直以为因为yiyi mei yun 没有去就觉得我整个trip是 不开心好吗 ? 只是闹着和你开玩笑而已啦,真真的 !! 
也谢谢你让我头痛啦 ( 需要用心想想你生日要怎样搞了 )

完 。


