
 Time is just flying ...
People come and go 来来往往 出出进进...
 Appreciate who are still here with me...

Anyway ,I've no idea what I did last month , just remembered that I spend alot money !! *RIP to the money I spent *

 Getting lazier to update my blog ... buuu !!
Not that I'm really lazy to update my blog , just ... I feel sleepy every time when I wanna to write something , when i feel sleepy , my brian goes empty ....blank.. then don't know how to start it.. end up close it and sleep..  

Seriously I got nothing to update , just wanna to upload some * throw back * photo ...

haha , memorable ice bucket challege day ...
lets play water gun with Ice water next time !

Problem : Should I go Thailand again ? *finger pointing*

 To Do list for This month :
Keep Fit ! yea,same thing ... keep repeating this since January ... 


